Special English Days in Expoziției 24D
In this day and age, we are being bombarded with information, with data which can be easily accessed, thus this young generation needs more than ever not only to develop, but to sharpen thinking critical skills. Apart from the daily thought-provoking classes, our school provides the amazing opportunity for our students to attend Public Speaking as well as Debate classes. Classes which encourage critical thinking skills.
Debate teaches students to nurture research, analytical and anticipation skills. Debate teaches to view any topic from the opposite perspective, fact which leads to broadening students’ outlook on life.
Aside from these aforementioned skills, debate makes you a better communicator, it makes you think on your feet and it helps you become a better team player. This year’s edition of debate provides motions about technology, music industry, media and tourism.
In order to become a valuable debater, students need to have a firm command of presentation skills.
Public Speaking classes train students to deliver speeches confidently and in an engaging manner.
This year’s edition of Special English Days has offered the students to opportunity to deliver well-rounded speeches about the item they value the most, about a ghost they would like to meet and about the word of their life.